Modifier Group
Modifier Groups contain all the Modifiers for a certain modification of the Item Family. I.E Drink Choice
Name | Type | Description |
_id | string | Used for associating entities together, does not map to a specific system |
name | string | Name of the Item to Display |
default_modifier_quantities | object | Key-value object of modifier._id -> quantity for default selections |
min_unique | integer | Minimum amount of unique selections across this group |
max_unique | integer | Maximum amount of unique selections across this group |
max_free | integer | Maximum amount of free selections across this group |
selection_type | string | Specifies if a quanity can be attributed for a modifier selection. enum: single , multiple ex. if multiple , user may select 2 qty of modifier "Side of Ranch" |
modifier_ids | string[] | Array of Modifier IDs that belong to this Modifier Group |